Eight Months Old
Your Monthly Stats
**No doctor's appointment this month so I don't have accurate stats. These are based on my measurements.
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18-19 pounds
Head Circumference: 44 cm
Eyes: Blue, Blue, Blue!
Diaper Size:Size 3's
Clothes: We broke out the 9 month clothes this month. You're still able to fit into some of your 6 month clothes and most 6-9 month clothes. Most of your summer clothes are 9 and 12 month clothes though, so it's time to chunk up! :-)
Eating: This has been a battle again this month. You went on a solid food strike where you refused to eat ANYTHING. Finally, we figured out that you really like avocado. So, you've been eating almost 1/2 of an avocado every day. That's a lot of good fat! You also like to suck the juice out of fruit like watermelon, pears, and apples. Sometimes you do this with whole fruit, and sometimes you use the mesh feeder. We went to see a feeding specialist, and she seemed to think that you were very picky and stubborn. She suggested we keep trying different foods. We tried Puffs this weekend, and you ended up vomiting again. :-( So, we're going to visit an allergist this week to see if you might have an allergy to rice or oats. Those ingredients are the common factor in all of the times that you've gotten sick. You seem really interested in our food while we're eating, but when we offer it to you, you usually spit it out. We'll keep trying, and hopefully we'll get some answers this week!
*Watch out--we have a CRAWLER! And a CLIMBER! And you are FAST! You started crawling early last month, and you haven't stopped since. Now, you're crawling around the whole house--on the carpet, the tile, and the hardwood. You're starting to follow me around from the family room into the kitchen when I'm doing something.
*You're pulling yourself up on everything. You especially like to pull up on the couch, the recliner (that rocks), and on mommy's leg when you're standing underneath me. You've also pulled yourself up to hold onto the washing machine, into the dishwasher, and onto my vanity bench in the bathroom. We have to be careful that you don't pull up onto something that can easily fall. A few times, you've taken 1-2 steps while standing against something. I have a feeling you'll be cruising the furniture soon.
*You like to "walk" while holding Daddy's hands. I keep telling Daddy that we're not ready for that yet!
Look at the determination on that face! Yes....I know the computer cord shouldn't be hanging down there! |
*Crawling and chasing mommy around the family room. You think it's really funny when I crawl around really fast.
*Peek-A-Boo-Bear: You LOVE him. And I hear him in my sleep. "Hello Baby. Peekaboo is the most fun with you!"
*Music Class-You love singing, dancing, and playing all of the instruments in our music class on Fridays. Our teacher, Miss Janet gets you to giggle so hard during our circle dance every week.
*Music Class-You love singing, dancing, and playing all of the instruments in our music class on Fridays. Our teacher, Miss Janet gets you to giggle so hard during our circle dance every week.
*Swinging on the swings.
*Visiting Daddy "at work" in his home office. You're starting to distract him with your sweet smile.
*Walking with Pops-You love to do this when Pops come home from work. He says that you're "going to walk the grounds" with the dogs, and you just walk all around the yard--looking at birds, watching the dogs run, and listening to all of the sounds outside. Pops knows how to calm you down when you're fussy!*Avocados-Thank goodness we have one food that you like!
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Climbing up on the recliner |
*being left alone. You're fine playing as long as someone is nearby. But, as soon as you're left alone, you get mad and start crying. We're trying to "get you more independent".
*being put in the carseat-Once we're moving, you're usually fine. But lately, when we put you in your carseat, you look like "the rod".
Social Skills:
We're all over the place. Every week, we have our usual activities: playdates, park days, Library Babies, and Music Class. We also go out to restaurants, shopping, and for walks pretty regularly. Everywhere we go, people comment on your cute smile and big blue eyes.
For the most part. you've been sleeping pretty well. Some nights you wake up and cry, but we try to let you cry it out. You are usually able to put yourself back to sleep within a few minutes. You still go to sleep around 7:30 pm. You typically wake up around 5:00 to eat, and then you go back to sleep until around 7:00. Then, we're up for the day!
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"Let me out of this jail!" |
Dear Big Boy,
Time needs to slow down...NOW. I've been really bad about blogging this month, and I want to make sure I'm documenting all of the changes you're going through. But, life has been so much fun with you, and I've had a hard time slowing down to stop and do that! Another month has gone by, and you are becoming such a big boy. You have become a lot more independent, and you want to do everything by yourself. You see something that you want, and you go for it. There is nothing that can stand in your way. You're starting to get upset when we take things away that you shouldn't have or when we redirect you from things that are "not for babies". Babyproofing in our house needs to happen A.S.A.P.Daddy traveled a lot this month for work, and we did a lot of Skyping so that you could see him everyday. Anytime that I said, "Where's Daddy?", your face would light up with a smile. You love him so much--especially when he tickles you with his beard. You giggle so hard--most of the time with no sound coming out of your mouth. While he was away, we filled our days with our regular classes, playdates with friends, and time spent at Lulu and Pops' house.
You've been learning lots of new tricks. You know how to wave hi/bye. It's very similar to your Uncle Nick's shark wave! You also love to "high five" when you're on the swing at the park. We've been trying to get you to imitate sounds. All day long, I say, "Mama, Mama, Mama"....but nothing yet! Sometimes you say "baba" and then go to grab your binky. We think that may mean something. I can't wait to hear you say "Mama" for the first time. You're doing lots of babbling, but it doesn't mean much to us yet. You love to smack your hands on the table/high chair/hardwood floor---anywhere that makes a loud bang. You're definitely an outgoing, BUSY little boy. You bump your head about 100 times a day while trying to crawl, climb, and pull up on everything. Mommy has a heart attack everytime. But, you rarely cry for long. Usually if I don't say anything, you just keep going and don't cry at all. You're a tough guy.
This month, I also celebrated my first Mother's Day. It was so special, and I felt very loved and appreciated by both you and Daddy. There is no better job in the world than being your mommy. I can't wait to see what else you learn to do next month. I love you big man. XOXO
Love, Mommy
I haven't checked out your blog in a little while but I just got caught up on the wonderful world of Max at 8 months. He is such a cutie! So happy to hear you are loving life as a Mommy. And I hope you get some answers to the feeding problems : )
Too cute!
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