What a busy and eventful weekend! For those of you who attended my first annual (
yup, I'll do it again!) Christmas Cookie Exchange yesterday, I hope that you've all survived your sugar comas. I had a cookie for breakfast this morning. Anyone else??
Check back tomorrow for pictures and details about our fun, sugar-filled afternoon!
As for me, I've been lounging around on the couch this morning feeling so thankful and happy about my life right now. It was difficult to leave my friends, co-workers, students, and godbabies back in Raleigh when we moved back here. But, as I sit here this morning, I am 100% positive that it was the right choice for us. Although it's great to be here for life's big "events" (holidays, birthdays, etc), I love being able to share in the little things. Here are just a few of those "moments" from the past few weeks that make me smile:
- Dropping in to have dinner with my parents for "no reason"
- An impromptu trip into NYC to meet old friends for dinner
- Baking Christmas cookies in my beautiful kitchen with Michael Buble's Christmas album blasting in the background
- Spending a Saturday morning hiking with my hubby and then having a yummy breakfast at a real New Jersey diner (I know you're jealous of that last part, M.B.)
- Getting to be "present" for really exciting and wonderful life-changing news from a special friend
- Spending the morning grocery shopping and chatting with my sista...I know this doesn't sound all that exciting, but it's much more fun to do with her! By the way, look how pretty she is:
Lots to be thankful and happy about this holiday season!
In other news, for those of you who haven't heard....Tomorrow, I will be approved as a long-term Maternity Leave substitute for a 2nd grade teacher. I start on January 16th and will teach for the remainder of the school year. I'm so excited to get back in the classroom and have teaching be a part of my daily life again.
So, I'm wondering....is anyone actually reading this blog?? I've only gotten one comment, and it's from a girl I know only through the "blog world". I'm so glad that you commented, Chelsea, but where are my friends and family?? Leave a comment at the bottom of the post so that I know you were here. Make sure you become a follower too, by clicking
Follow at the top of the screen. Have a merry Monday!