Three Months Old
December 19, 2012
Your Monthly Stats
Height: 25 inches **Haven't been to the doctor, but we tried to measure!
Weight: 15 pounds, 4 oz. **We weigh you at our weekly Babysteps class. They have a scale there!
Head Circumference: 40 cm (81%ile) **Haven't been to the doctor since our 2 month visit.
Hair: blond fuzz and lots of it! You have a little bald spot on the back of your head from where you sleep every night. You also have 4 or 5 REALLY long hairs.
Eyes: They are so blue and sparkly. When I talk really softly and sweetly to you, you give me the flirty eyes. Future ladies--watch out. Love it!
Diapers: Size 2's
Even though you are three months old, you don't fit in any 3 month clothes. You're wearing mostly size 3-6 months. Most sleepers with footies need to be 6 months, because your feet are so big. You're a BIG boy! I've had to pack away so many clothes already, and many of them still have the tags on them. You grow so fast!
You are a hungry little man. You definitely went through a growth spurt this month when you were hungrier than ever. That seems to have slowed down a little now. You're still eating every 2-3 hours during the day, but you're sleeping for longer stretches so the feedings aren't as often at night. I never thought that day would come. Yay! We've become experts at feeding in public too. At first, I was so self-conscious about feeding you out in public, and now we just "whip it out" wherever we need!
*bathtime with Daddy. This is your special time with Daddy, and you LOVE it! Sometimes I sit outside of the bathroom, and just listen to you two having a conversation during your bath. It makes my heart happy. :-)
*the Rock and Play. We bought this right after Thanksgiving when a friend recommended it for reflux/sleeping. Oh. My. Goodness. Why didn't someone tell me about this earlier?! The first night we had it, you slept through the night for 6 straight hours. Since then (knock on wood), you've been sleeping through the night---sometimes for as long as ten hours. It is glorious.
*your playmat. You started swatting and grabbing at the toys hanging down from the mobiles. It's one of your favorite places to be now. Sometimes you just lay there and giggle and giggle and giggle for the longest time. I'm not sure what's so funny!
*watching other babies and kids. When we meet up with friends or we're out in public, you usually just stare at other kids. It's fascinating.
*blowing raspberries, bubbles, and kisses. You LOVE when Mommy does all of these things to you, and you've started to imitate me too. You especially love to blow bubbles, and you've become a drooling, slobbery mess. We have to keep a bib on you all of the time or you end up soaking wet. BUT, at least you are happy! :-)
*sitting still. You love to be walked around to look at things, bounced on someone's lap, or kicking on your playmat.
*being ignored. Sometimes, Daddy holds you on the couch. You do not like when he watches TV instead of talking to you. You make it known that you aren't being entertained.
*too much bouncing around after eating=a lot of spit-up. We try to avoid that.
Social Skills:
We've been to lots of holiday parties and playdates this month. We went to a fun holiday party with lots of your friends--there were 8 kiddos there. Here are a few pictures from our photoshoot. Pretty funny...
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I have had too much partying, Mom. Enough with the pictures! |
You're SO strong. People are amazed at how you stand straight up on our laps or the floor and don't seem to get tired. I think we'll be pulling out the exersaucer soon. Maybe Santa will bring you a jumper too!
Dear Maxwell Mouse,
You've become quite the little man this month. You are such a happy baby, and everyone loves you so much. When we get together with friends, people can't wait to snatch you up for a snuggle! You're comfortable being held by other people most of the time, but definitely want to be with Mommy as soon as you're tired or hungry. We're starting to know your hunger cues (hands in mouth, opening and closing your mouth like a fish) and tired cues (rubbing eyes, grunting with your mouth closed). Now we can anticipate when you're tired or hungry and help you sooner. The "colic" seems to have pretty much disappeared, except for the occasional fussy time in the evenings. You're also happier being left to play on your own and spend time alone for short periods of time now. I can usually make dinner or squeeze in a load of laundry while you're kicking and playing on your playmat. This month, I watched you pass your pacifier from your right hand to your left hand and then put it into your mouth. Maybe you will be a lefty?
Every day is filled with something new that you can do, and I'm loving every minute. I'm so thankful that I'm able to stay home with you. As much as I want you to stay little forever and never grow up, I'm enjoying watching every stage you go through. We love you so much little man. XOXO
Love, Mommy